HomeBlogParentingThe 3 Gifts To Give YOURSELF This Mothers Day!

The 3 Gifts To Give YOURSELF This Mothers Day!

Mothers Day. A time for flowers, brunch, hopefully a day relatively off where you can do what you enjoy. This Mother’s Day give yourself a REAL gift. One that will last! Do a few things that will make your life less stressful and your family happier. Do some things that will help you EVERYDAY!

Let It Go
There is an idea of the super mom, effortlessly taking it all on while looking fab, holding all the pieces of family, work, and life together all while glowing and gleaming. That is just not possible. It is time to let some things go and chill out. Your kid has played in the mud and they are a mess? You hear gasps from other parents at the playground staring at the mess that your child has become? Who cares? Your kid knows how to have fun. They know how to embrace life, seize the day, good for them. Get ‘em naked at the door and throw them in the shower. Problem solved. Just cant find the energy to make dinner? Order pizza. Scramble some eggs. Make sandwichs. Have the KIDS make sandwiches. Who says dinner needs to be a production every night? Let. It. Go. Your kid wants to dress themselves and they mix stripes, plaid, and polka dots? Great for them. You may have a new fashion icon on your hands. The idea is to let go of somethings that are needlessly stressing you out. Find at least 3 to stop worrying about and see how much better you (and your kids) feel.

Take Back Your Body And Time
Yes, a mom needs to be there for her kids but you do not need to be there ALL of the time. If you give all of yourself to your kids, you will end up with nothing left to give. Schedule YOU time. Go for a walk, meet friends, get your hair done, go sit outside and read. Recharge so that you can be the mom that you want to be. That goes for your body too. Your body does not belong to your kids just because they may have resided there for a while or because you decided to become a MOM. It is still yours and some days you just want a few moments where no one touches it. No one is hanging on your legs, pulling at your shirt, climbing up to get closer. Be clear if you need your body back. Your kids will not be happy at that moment, but YOU will be and when you are ready for snuggles once again, you and your kids will enjoy it more. Take back some time AND yes, your body.

Mother’s Day: Blank Inside

Find a Mommy Team
There is nothing better than a team. Everything is better with others, it changes things from a chore to an adventure. Ok, maybe I’m hyping this team thing up a bit, but it DOES make things flow and feels good to be supported AND to support others. Find some other moms near you who can be part of your team. You can watch each others kids while one of you runs to the dentist, or takes a shower alone (can you imagine) or picks up a child from school. Your team may have great fast and easy recipe ideas and isn’t it more fun to hit the playground or museum with a crew? Find that Mommy Team and share some tasks.

This Mothers Day give yourself some gifts and see how much happier your AND your family can be. Happy Mothers day to all of the Moms and Grandmas out there and all of those women who care for the children in their lives. Celebrate YOU and take some time to see how you can incorporate these three gifts into your life.


Brandi Davis, ACC, is a certified Parenting Coach, Parent Educator, and Author of O.K. I’m A Parent Now What? She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and be sure to catch her parenting podcasts on iTunes. The goal of Brandi’s practice is to bring respect, calm communication, teamwork, and FUN into the home or classroom. To discover all that Child and Family Coaching can bring to your family stop by www.childandfamilycoaching.com.

Photo by Vivek Kumar


The Mothers We Find in Unexpected Places

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