Want to participate in research? Studies posted here are being conducted by researchers in the behavioral and cognitive sciences.
As a rule, each project has been approved by a college or university ethics board. However, before you participate, you should always read the information carefully to make sure you are comfortable with the terms of the study. This information will be provided after you follow the link to the study’s URL.
Stephen Forssell and Daniel Wikstrom of George Washington University are seeking parents of children who NOT identify as heterosexual. These parents need to proficient in reading and writing English, and be currently residing in the United States. and to have been living in the U.S. when they discovered that their child was not heterosexual. In addition, the researchers need volunteers who were living in the United States at the time when they first learned that their children were not heterosexual.
The researchers are interesting in learning more about how families react and function when a child “comes out”. To learn more about participating in this study – which consists of filling out an online survey for approximately 20-30 minutes – follow this link: https://columbiangwu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bCNsycIrj57ItZY
Image credit: whitebalance.oatt / istock