HomeBlogSingle Parenting20 Hilarious ideas for crazy hair day

20 Hilarious ideas for crazy hair day

Get your hair brush and gel ready because we have some fabulous ideas for Crazy Hair Day that will have your child rocking the catwalk (sorry, assembly line) at school this year.

This day of follicle frenzy is the ultimate excuse for kids to let their imaginations run wild and transform their everyday school hairdo into a work of art.

From rainbow-coloured Mohawks to gravity-defying beehives and bed-head-hair-on-steroids, it is the perfect opportunity for kids to show off their creativity and express their unique personalities.

Of course, you might be scratching your own head and wondering how on earth you will turn your child’s hair into a masterpiece. If so, keep reading for inspiration and ideas for Crazy Hair Day.

Ideas for Crazy Hair Day: Girls

Pouring pop

Such a great idea for the long-haired kiddies. Tun their luscious locks into a bottle pouring pop.

Pouring pop | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Imgur

Donut bun

Turn a simple ballet bun into a yummy donut with minimal effort and maximum effect.

Donut bun

Source: Doodle Craft Blog

Bird Cage

It’s not just Crazy Hair Day; it’s Bring Your Pet to School day, too! Perfect for medium to long hair,  mum gets additional points if the bird chirps.

Bird cage | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Crafty-kid.com

Easter Basket

Oh, this basket braid is perfect for girls with thick and silky hair. It would make a great impact at an Easter bonnet parade too. Exchange the eggs for milk bottles and dress her in a milkmaid dress if you’re not feeling Easter.

Easter Basket

Source: Pinterest

Peppermint Patty

Here’s another neat upgrade to the basic bun. It’s fun and creative without being over-the-top.

Peppermint Patty | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Pinterest

Rapunzel’s Tower

Time for your littl girl to lend their magical golden tresses to everyone’s favourite Disney princess. The longer the hair, the higher the tower!

Rapunzel Tangled Tower

Source: Pinterest


Transform those mid-length locks into poles to dry Barbie’s clothes on. I love the green dye on the tips that make the braids look like palm trees.

Clothesline | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Pinterest

Spiky Porcupine

Perfect for chocolate brown tresses as spikes, using toothpicks is an incredible and fun upgrade to the basic bun.

Spiky Porcupine

Source: Pinterest


This hairstyle is perfect for Greek mythology fans. Intertwining the rubber snakes into your kid’s sophisticated braids will surely make everyone take a look. (A plus if her stare can turn them into stone!)

Medusa | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Pretty Hair is Fun

Shoot That Ball

Great for medium to long hair in any colour, showcase her love for sports by turning her tresses into a net. Switch to baseball or football for a change.

Shoot that ball

Source: Pinterest

Ideas for Crazy Hair Day: Boys

Surfer Boy

If you have a little wannabe surfy dude, this is easy, on-point and really cool.

Surfer Boy | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Pinterest

Electricity head

Get your little lad all charged up with this hilarious spark plug hair design.

Electric head

Source: Pinterest

Lightning McQueen

Your racer-in-the-making will surely speed up to school with his Cars-themed hair.

Lightning McQueen

Source: LouLou Girls


This pineapple head is a classic and always a big hit. Make sure that you’re boy is up to shaving his head like this juicy summer fruit. Tell him his hair will grow back fast!

Pineapple | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Pickselly


Bring camping to the school grounds! Great for fiery redheads, the twigs and s’mores turn up the heat with this hairstyle. (If your boy scout’s hair isn’t naturally red, you can always dye it!)


Source: Pinterest


Is it an iguana? Or is it a chameleon? Or is it a gecko? If he still needs to get into it, this hairdo is an exciting way to introduce him to the world of reptiles.

Chameleon | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Pinterest

Creepy Crawlies

What are little boys made of? This one’s an awesome design for your little kid who’s always collecting creepy crawlies.

Creepy Crawlies

Source: Not Just a Housewife

Shark Attack

Sink into his love for the deep blue sea and those sharp teeth! If you’re feeling extra villainous, why not add a surfer or two?

Shark Attack | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: The Headcase Christian

Lawnmower and Grass

It’s like reminding him of his responsibilities at home, but in a fun, wacky way!

Lawnmower and Grass

Source: Pinterest

Weiner Dog

Who let the dogs out? It’s mum! Well, it’s not every day your little dog-lover can get away with bringing their favourite furry friend to school.

Weiner Dog | Ideas for crazy hair day

Source: Pinterest

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